KFF Explores Health Reform and the Tea Party Movement October 12, 2010 Perspective With much media discussion of the role that the Tea Party will play in the upcoming congressional midterm elections, the Kaiser Family Foundation took a closer look at Tea Party supporters using its most recent Health Tracking Poll data from September. While 57 percent of voters who do not support…
KFF September Tracking Poll Looks at Health Reform and the Elections September 27, 2010 Perspective The tug of war for public opinion on health reform continues this month, with approval and disapproval remaining in the same relatively narrow band each has occupied since passage even as favorable views regain a small upper hand, 49 percent favorable vs. 40 percent unfavorable. Opinion is more closely divided…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — September 2010 September 1, 2010 Poll Finding Six months since the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and a month and a half before the midterm congressional elections, Kaiser’s September Health Tracking Poll finds the public remains divided on the new law. Public confusion over the new health law has risen to its highest…
Support for Health Reform Dips Back to May Levels in KFF August Tracking Poll August 31, 2010 Perspective Support for health reform fell over the past month, dipping from a 50 percent favorability rating in July to 43 percent now, while 45 percent of the public reported unfavorable views. The dip in favorability returned public opinion on the new law to the even split last seen in May…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — August 2010 August 2, 2010 Poll Finding The August Health Tracking Poll finds that support for health reform fell over the course of August, dipping from a 50 percent favorability rating in July to 43 percent, while 45 percent of the public reported unfavorable views. The dip in favorability returned public opinion on the new law to…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — July 2010 July 29, 2010 Poll Finding The July Health Tracking Poll indicates overall public support for the health reform law is steady from June, while unfavorable views of the law have trended downward. Half the public (50%) now expresses a favorable view of the law, while 35 percent say they have an unfavorable opinion (down from…
Overall Public Support for the Health Reform Law Is Steady from June July 29, 2010 Perspective The July Kaiser Health Tracking Poll indicates overall public support for the health reform law is steady from June, while unfavorable views of the law have trended downward somewhat. Half the public (50%) now expresses a favorable view of the law, while 35 percent say they have an unfavorable opinion…
KFF June Tracking Poll Finds Health Care in the November 2010 Mix June 29, 2010 Perspective The start of summer finds Americans remain divided on the health reform law, but favorable views of the new law increased seven percentage points over the past month to 48 percent, compared to 41 percent who have “generally unfavorable” views and 10 percent who have yet to make up their…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — June 2010 June 2, 2010 Poll Finding The start of summer finds Americans remain divided on the health reform law, but favorable views of the new law increased seven percentage points over the past month to 48 percent, compared to 41 percent who have “generally unfavorable” views and 10 percent who have yet to make up their…
Confusion Declines, but Remains Widespread in KFF May Tracking Poll May 16, 2010 Perspective Confusion over the new health reform law declined but remains widespread, with 44 percent of the public saying they were confused in May, compared to 55 percent in April. Moreover, more than a third of Americans (35%) say they do not understand what the impact of the law will be…