Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — May 2011 May 1, 2011 Poll Finding Most Americans oppose the idea of converting Medicaid to block grant financing to reduce the federal deficit, and more than half want to see no reductions at all in Medicaid spending. One in five adults has received Medicaid benefits over time, and for most, experiences were positive, although one third…
KFF April Tracking Poll: Opinions of Reform Remain Steady April 27, 2011 Perspective This month, public opinion on the health reform law continues to be remarkably steady. The April Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds that four in ten feel favorably about the law and an equal share say they feel unfavorably. In recent months there has been a slight decline in the share…
Dissatisfaction with Health Insurance Despite Positive Ratings April 25, 2011 Perspective Personal experiences with the health care system are a key factor in Americans’ opinions on how the health care system should function and their expectations of how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will change the system when fully implemented. In order to take a closer look at these personal experiences,…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — April 2011 April 1, 2011 Poll Finding As Congress and the president debate different approaches to reducing the deficit, the April Kaiser Health Tracking Poll indicates that initial public reaction is fairly evenly split when a premium support/voucher program like the one in House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity” proposal is described, but seniors…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — March 2011 March 28, 2011 Poll Finding Little has changed since President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law. The March Health Tracking Poll finds that the public continues to report that they are confused about the law, say they don’t have enough information on how the law will affect them, and…
KFF March Health Tracking Poll: One Year Later, Views on Health Reform Remain Divided March 18, 2011 Perspective Health reform is a year old and the latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds a basic division that has changed little during the last 12 months. This month, 42 percent of Americans hold favorable views of the law while 46 percent view it unfavorably. In April 2010, the month after…
KFF February Health Tracking Poll: Nearly Half Confused About Status of the Health Reform Law February 24, 2011 Perspective In the latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, nearly half of Americans say they are confused about the status of the health reform law. While 52 percent of the public is aware that health reform is still law, 22 percent think the law has been repealed and is no longer law…
Pop Quiz: Assessing Americans’ Familiarity with the Health Care Law February 2, 2011 Perspective Based on the December Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, the latest KFF data note explores Americans’ awareness of what the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will do. As the 112th Congress prepared to take office and the discussion of repeal was on the rise, we ‘quizzed’ Americans on whether they thought a…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — February 2011 February 1, 2011 Poll Finding In the wake of the health reform repeal vote in the U.S. House and the ongoing legal challenges over the individual mandate, nearly half the country either believes that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been repealed and is no longer law (22 percent) or doesn’t know…
Pop Quiz: Assessing Americans’ Familiarity With the Health Care Law February 1, 2011 Poll Finding The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is coming up on a year old, but in the midst of continuing debate over the merits of the landmark health care overhaul, how well do Americans understand what the new law will actually do? As the 112th Congress prepared to take office and the…