August Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: A Look At The GOP As The Republican Convention Draws Near August 16, 2012 Perspective Despite the ongoing focus on Republican opposition to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds that the ACA is not the top health care priority among Republicans. While jobs are still the number one issue, when asked about the health care issues that will impact…
July Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: A Focus On The Mandate and the Medicaid Expansion in the Aftermath of the Supreme Court Decision July 31, 2012 Perspective This second July poll reports in further depth on public opinion about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the wake of the Supreme Court decision. The Supreme Court’s decision that the individual mandate was constitutional as a tax appears to have had little impact on opinion about the already largely…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: July 2012 July 2, 2012 Poll Finding July’s second Health Tracking Poll reports in further depth on public opinion toward the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the wake of last month’s key Supreme Court decision. When it comes to the individual mandate, the Court’s verdict that the controversial provision is constitutional as a tax appears to have…
Kaiser Poll: Early Reaction to Supreme Court Decision on ACA July 2, 2012 Perspective Following last week’s Supreme Court’s decision upholding the heart of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a majority of Americans (56 percent) now say they would like to see the law’s detractors stop their efforts to block its implementation and move on to other national problems. In the first of two…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: Early Reaction to Supreme Court Decision on the ACA June 29, 2012 Poll Finding This poll fielded following the Supreme Court’s decision upholding the heart of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) finds a majority of Americans (56 percent) now say they would like to see the law’s detractors stop their efforts to block its implementation and move on to other national problems. Democrats overwhelmingly…
KFF Health Security Watch Delaying Health Care to Avoid Cost Common June 11, 2012 Perspective While economic challenges facing the country continue and the Supreme Court is deciding the fate of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), May’s Health Tracking Poll finds that the problems and concerns related to health care costs and access are wide-spread. A quarter report they have had problems paying medical bills in…
Kaiser Health Security Watch June 10, 2012 Poll Finding The Kaiser Health Security Watch uses Kaiser Health Tracking Poll data to measure the public’s health care-related problems and worries, including problems paying medical bills, skipping or delaying health care due to cost, and worrying about their future ability to pay for care and keep insurance. The Health Security Watch describes…
May Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: Four in Ten Say Children and Young Adults Will Be Better Off May 31, 2012 Perspective While supporters and opponents of the Affordable Care Act wait for the Supreme Court to announce their decision, support for the law dipped slightly in May, with unfavorable views now outnumbering favorable ones (44 percent versus 37 percent). As in previous months, the public remains divided on whether the law…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — May 2012 May 2, 2012 Poll Finding The May Health Tracking Poll focuses on the public’s perceptions and reactions to women’s reproductive health reemerging as a heated issue in policy debates and news and its potential impact on the upcoming presidential election. Three in ten women (31 percent) overall believe that there is currently a “wide-scale effort…
Public Opinion on Gender Rating May 2, 2012 Perspective With the Republican presidential primaries wrapping up, a barrage of new television commercials, radio ads, and fundraising emails has marked the start of the general election campaign. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) continues to be a mainstay election topic for candidates from both major parties. While Republicans focus on advocating…