Data Note: Differences In Public Opinion On The ACA’s Contraceptive Coverage Requirement, By Gender, Religion, And Political Party June 19, 2014 Poll Finding One of the most politically polarizing elements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the law’s requirement that new private health insurance plans cover prescription contraceptives and services, including all methods approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The rule currently provides an exemption for houses of worship and an…
Majority of the Public Say They Haven’t Been Affected By the Health Reform Law May 30, 2014 News Release Democrats More Likely to Say They Have Been Helped By the Law, Republicans More Likely to Say They Have Been Hurt Republican Voters Want ACA Debate to Continue, Democrats Would Rather Hear Candidates Talk About Issues Like Jobs, Independents Are More Split More than four years after the Affordable Care…
Kaiser Health Policy News Index: May 2014 May 30, 2014 Poll Finding The Kaiser Health Policy News Index is designed to help journalists and policymakers understand which health policy-related news stories Americans are paying attention to, and what the public understands about health policy issues covered in the news. This month’s Index finds that news about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollment numbers was followed by more than half the public, ranking behind two non-health news stories (the kidnapping of Nigerian schoolgirls and the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia).
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: May 2014 May 30, 2014 Poll Finding More than four years after the Affordable Care Act’s enactment and more than a month after the close of open enrollment, six in 10 Americans say the health reform law has not had an impact on them or their families, Kaiser’s May Tracking Poll finds. Among those who say it has, Republicans are much more likely to say their families have been hurt by the law than helped, while Democrats are more likely to say their families have been helped than hurt.
Visualizing Health Policy: Public Opinion At The End of the First Open Enrollment Period May 20, 2014 Infographic This Visualizing Health Policy infographic takes a look at public opinion of the Affordable Care Act at the end of the first enrollment period, including the persistent deep partisan divisions, the sources of people’s impressions, and the favorable views towards many of the ACA’s least well-known provisions. Further, more people want…