A Polling Surprise? Americans Rank Unexpected Medical Bills at the Top of Family Budget Worries February 28, 2020 News Release When it comes to family budget concerns, unexpected medical bills top Americans’ list of worries, with two-thirds (65%) of the public saying they are at least somewhat worried, including 35% who say they are “very” worried, the latest KFF Health Tracking Poll finds. Fewer Americans say they are at least…
How Worried Are Americans That Coronavirus Will Affect Them or Their Family? February 26, 2020 Slide Those in fair or poor health are more likely to say they are very or somewhat concerned that they or a family member will contract the coronavirus, compared to those who report having an excellent, very good, or good health status. Learn more in this Chart of the Week.
The Public’s Awareness Of and Concerns About Coronavirus February 25, 2020 Issue Brief The February 2020 KFF Health Tracking Poll examines the public’s awareness of and concerns about the Coronavirus, following its spread across China and around the globe. The public is concerned about the potential economic and health impacts of the virus on the U.S. and on them and their families. A majority of the public and majorities across partisans say the U.S. is currently doing enough to prevent the spread of the virus.
Poll: Most Americans are Concerned That There Will Be a Major Coronavirus Outbreak in the U.S. and It Will Hurt the Economy February 25, 2020 News Release Most Americans say they are concerned that there will be a major outbreak of the coronavirus in the U.S. (55%) and that it will negatively affect the U.S. economy (57%), the latest KFF tracking poll finds. A substantial share (43%) also say they are concerned that they or a family…
Republican Voters Have Moved On from Hating the ACA February 24, 2020 Perspective In this Axios column, Drew Altman analyzes KFF’s tracking poll and shows that the ACA is now yesterday’s issue for Republicans. They have shifted their sights to Medicare-for-all…at least for this election season.
KFF Health Tracking Poll – February 2020: Health Care in the 2020 Election February 21, 2020 Poll Finding This month’s KFF Health Tracking poll explores the role of health care in the 2020 election, and public opinion on the Affordable Care Act.
Poll: Nearly 10 Years after Its Enactment, the Affordable Care Act is More Popular Than Ever as Republican Voters Instead Target Medicare-for-All February 21, 2020 News Release ACA is more popular than ever as Republican voters instead target Medicare-for-all; swing voters prefer a public option to Medicare-for-all.
The Past, Present, And Possible Future Of Public Opinion On The Affordable Care Act February 19, 2020 Poll Finding This Health Affairs article reviews 102 nationally representative public opinion polls in the period 2010–19 and finds public opinion has shifted in a sustained way at only two points in time: in a negative direction following technical problems in the first enrollment period, and in a positive direction after President Donald Trump’s election and subsequent Republican repeal efforts.
Since 2016, More People Say the ACA Has Helped Them or Their Families, Fewer Say It Has Hurt February 19, 2020 Slide From 2016 to 2019, more people say the ACA has helped them or their families across income level. Fewer say it has hurt.
Most Republicans Approve of How President Trump is Handling Medicaid, While Most Democrats and Independents Don’t January 31, 2020 Slide 51 percent of the public disapprove of how President Trump is handling Medicaid, but approval varies across partisan lines. A majority of Republicans approve, while most Democrats and Independents don’t.