Interactive Maps Highlight Urban-Rural Differences in Hospital Bed Capacity April 23, 2020 News Release As the U.S. coronavirus outbreak spreads beyond densely populated metropolitan areas, a new KFF analysis finds that rural areas typically have fewer intensive care hospital resources than their urban counterparts, and populations at greater risk of developing serious illness and complications from COVID-19. While metro and non-metro areas have similar numbers of…
Poll: 8 in 10 Americans Favor Strict Shelter-in-Place Orders To Limit Coronavirus’ Spread, and Most Say They Could Continue to Obey Such Orders for Another Month or Longer April 23, 2020 News Release With President Trump and some Republican governors pushing to restart the nation’s economy, most of the public (80%) supports strict shelter-in-place policies to limit the coronavirus’ spread compared to just one in five (19%) who say these measures pose unnecessary burdens and cause more harm than good, the latest KFF…
Brief Examines the COVID-19 Crisis’ Implications for Americans’ Mental Health April 21, 2020 News Release Nearly half (45%) of adults across the country say that worry and stress related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are hurting their mental health, an early sign that the health and economic crises is likely to increase mental health problems and further stretch the system’s capacity. A new issue brief…
States Can Use Policy Actions to Mitigate Risk and Spread of Coronavirus in Jails and Prisons April 20, 2020 News Release As more coronavirus cases and deaths are confirmed in jails and prisons, states can utilize programs and other policy actions to mitigate the risk and spread of the disease within facilities and the broader communities in which they are located, according to a new issue brief from KFF. More than…
Kaiser Health News and Guardian US Partner to Honor American Health Care Workers Lost on the Frontline of the COVID-19 Pandemic April 15, 2020 News Release KFF’s Kaiser Health News (KHN) and Guardian US today launched Lost on the Frontline, a special project aiming to document the life of every health care worker in America who dies from COVID-19 during the pandemic. This includes medical professionals like doctors, nurses and paramedics, and others working at hospitals,…
Analysis Estimates Up To 2 Million Uninsured People Could Require COVID-19 Hospitalization April 7, 2020 News Release Patients Could Still Be on the Hook for Outpatient Costs, Costs If They Test Negative, and Cost Sharing A new KFF analysis estimates that between 670,000 and 2 million uninsured people around the country eventually could be hospitalized with COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Reimbursing hospitals…
COVID-19 Crisis Will Likely Disproportionately Affect the Health and Finances of Communities of Color April 7, 2020 News Release The COVID-19 outbreak will likely disproportionately affect communities of color in both their health and their pocketbooks, compounding longstanding racial disparities in health and economic conditions, according to a new KFF analysis. While comprehensive data about how the COVID-19 crisis is unfolding are not yet available, early data from some…
Poll: 4 in 10 Americans Report Losing Their Jobs or Work-Related Income Due to the Coronavirus Crisis, Including More Than Half of Part-Time Workers April 2, 2020 News Release Americans, Regardless of Partisan Identity, Prioritize Slowing Coronavirus’ Spread over Restarting the Economy With coronavirus cases rising and businesses shutting down, four in 10 (39%) U.S. residents say they already have lost a job or income due to the crisis, the latest KFF Health Tracking Poll finds. This includes most…
Kaiser Health News to Expand Coverage in the Mountain West April 2, 2020 News Release KFF’s Kaiser Health News (KHN) will hire a full-time Montana-based correspondent and recruit a team of freelance reporters to expand its coverage of health care policy and politics in the region, including the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic. The expansion is made possible by a new long-term partnership among KFF, the Montana…
KHN Wins Five “Best in Business” Awards and Two Honorable Mentions from The Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW) March 30, 2020 News Release KFF’s Kaiser Health News (KHN), an editorially independent news service focusing on health care and policy, has won five “Best in Business” awards from the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW).