Health Reform for New Health Reform Reporters June 29, 2009 Event The Alliance for Health Reform sponsored this briefing for a small number of reporters to speed their learning about health reform. Topics addressed included: What’s different about the health reform effort this time around? Who are the key players and their perspectives on reform? What are the key issues and…
Making the Case for Prevention: Tales from the Field June 22, 2009 Event The Alliance for Health Reform and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation co-sponsored this event featuring a panel of experts examining a range of prevention measures to improve the health of communities and the general population. Panelists addressed the following questions: What types of prevention models are working for business and…
The U.S. Strategy For Combating Malaria Around the World: Looking Forward June 17, 2009 Event The Kaiser Family Foundation held a briefing on June 17, 2009, to examine the U.S. government’s role in addressing malaria moving forward, including its strategic options for reducing the impact of the disease, and the current status of the development of the comprehensive malaria strategy.
Examining Racial and Ethnic Disparities Among Women at the State Level June 10, 2009 Event A decade after U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher called for the elimination of racial disparities in health, women of color in every state continue to fare worse than white women on a variety of measures of health and health care access. The Foundation has created a package of resources, including…
Consumer Choice in Health Care: How Could Reform Affect Our Choices? How Could We Make Better Choices? June 1, 2009 Event The Alliance for Health Reform and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation co-sponsored this event which brought together nationally known health policy experts for a conversation on consumer choice in health care. Panelists addressed the following questions: Why is choice of health care providers important? How much choice do we really…
Filling In The Long-Term Care Gaps May 30, 2009 Event At a June 3 hearing of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, Diane Rowland, Executive Vice President of the Kaiser Family Foundation and Executive Director on the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, testified on the key challenges to providing a larger role for private long-term care insurance in…
Health Care Reform Newsmaker Series: Sen. Max Baucus May 21, 2009 Event This May 21, 2009 webcast features Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) at a Health Care Reform Newsmaker media briefing sponsored by the Kaiser Family Foundation, Families USA and the National Federation of Independent Business. The reporters-only sessions, designed to inform the public about prospects and options for health…
U.S. Global Health Policy: In Focus “IOM Final Report on the U.S. Commitment to Global Health” May 21, 2009 Event During this webcast, members of the Institute of Medicine’s committee on the U.S. Commitment to Global Health discussed the committee’s final report that concluded that the U.S. government and U.S.-based foundations, universities, nongovernmental organizations, and commercial entities have an opportunity to improve global health and provided specific recommendations for how these groups should proceed.
U.S. Global Health Policy: In Focus: The President’s Budget for Global Health May 14, 2009 Event This webcast features an expert panel examining the global health aspects of the President’s Fiscal Year 2010 budget proposal.
Health Care Reform Newsmaker Series: Sen. Orrin Hatch May 7, 2009 Event This May 7, 2009 webcast features Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), senior member of the Senate Committee on Finance, and ranking Republican on the panel’s Subcommittee on Health Care. The briefing was part of the Health Care Reform Newsmaker series sponsored by the Kaiser Family Foundation, Families USA and the National…