West vs. South: Regional Differences in Views of the Health Reform Law November 1, 2010 Poll Finding This Data Note examines regional variations in public opinion of the health reform law based on the November 2010 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll. The analysis takes a special look at the Western and Southern regions of the country, where many states are likely to see the biggest increases in coverage…
Health Reform and the Tea Party Movement October 30, 2010 Poll Finding With much media discussion of the role that the Tea Party will play in the upcoming Congressional midterm elections, this data note takes a closer look at Tea Party supporters using the most recent Health Tracking Poll data from September. While 57 percent of voters who do not support the…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — October 2010 October 18, 2010 Poll Finding With the November midterm elections just weeks away, Americans remain chronically divided over the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, but most say that their feelings – pro and con – about the health reform law are not a dominant factor in how they will vote for Congress or whether…
Role of Government Survey October 1, 2010 Poll Finding The Foundation, as part of The Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard University partnership series, conducted a poll to examine the public’s views on the government and its role. The Role of Government Survey is the 20th in a series of surveys dating back to 1995 that have been conducted as part…
How Popular is the Idea of Repealing Health Reform? October 1, 2010 Poll Finding With a number of this fall’s candidates for public office advocating an overturn of the new health reform law, this Data Note takes a closer look at the variety of polls that have attempted to measure the public’s support for repeal. Data Note (.pdf) For an updated look on Americans’…
Americans Remain Wary of “Foreign Aid” But Are More Supportive of Spending to Improve Health Abroad September 23, 2010 Poll Finding
2010 Survey of Americans on the U.S. Role in Global Health September 1, 2010 Poll Finding This survey is the third in a series by the Foundation that aims to illuminate the American public’s views and knowledge of U.S. efforts to improve health for people in developing countries. The survey examines perceptions about foreign aid in general and assistance for health specifically, including the public’s priorities…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — September 2010 September 1, 2010 Poll Finding Six months since the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and a month and a half before the midterm congressional elections, Kaiser’s September Health Tracking Poll finds the public remains divided on the new law. Public confusion over the new health law has risen to its highest…
New Orleans Five Years After the Storm: A New Disaster Amid Recovery August 27, 2010 Poll Finding This comprehensive survey of the experiences of New Orleans residents is the third in a series conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation since 2005. Five years after Hurricane Katrina, an increasing majority of the city’s residents says the rebuilding process is going well, but substantial majorities still report that the city…
New Orleans Residents Say Recovery Is Making Progress, But Many Believe The Gulf Oil Spill Will Be More Damaging Than Katrina August 13, 2010 Poll Finding