Custom State Reports April 5, 2018 Interactive An interactive tool for building custom reports compiling health-related data for a single state or multiple states. Reports can be shared and downloaded.
Health Care: Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Six Months After the Storms (Video) March 19, 2018 Video In this video, residents of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands describe progress but also a long, slow road to recovery of the U.S. territories’ health care systems, economies and infrastructure six months after hurricanes Irma and Maria.
Voces de Puerto Rico: Reflexiones Dos Meses Después de María (Video) January 9, 2018 Video En este video, los residentes de Puerto Rico hablan sobre su vida cotidiana y puntos de vista de los esfuerzos de recuperación dos meses después del huracán María. Describen un clima de frustración, la pérdida de empleo y problemas económicas, la falta de servicios básicos como la electricidad y el efecto en la salud mental y física de la población
Voices from Puerto Rico: Reflections Two Months After Maria (Video) December 5, 2017 Video Residents of Puerto Rico discuss their daily lives and their views on recovery efforts two months after Hurricane Maria. In this video, they describe job loss and continuing economic disruption, a lack of basic services such as electricity and a rising toll on the population’s mental and physical health.
Individual Mandate Penalty Calculator November 7, 2017 Interactive The Individual Mandate Penalty Calculator estimates your penalty for going uninsured vs. how much you would pay for health insurance coverage on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces.
Interactive Maps: Estimates of Enrollment in ACA Marketplaces and Medicaid Expansion October 4, 2017 Interactive As the 115th U.S. Congress deliberates the future of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, an interactive map from the Kaiser Family Foundation provides estimates of the number of people in each congressional district who enrolled in a 2017 ACA marketplace health plan and the political party of each district’s representative as of October 2017. The analysis also includes maps charting the total number of people enrolled under the ACA Medicaid expansion in 2016 in states that implemented the ACA Medicaid expansion, along with the political parties of their governors and U.S. senators.
Public Opinion on ACA Replacement Plans: Interactive September 25, 2017 Interactive This interactive includes nationally representative polls of adults in the U.S. that ask about views of plans to replace the Affordable Care Act. See the interactive table for variations in question wording as well as the individual polls included.
Compare Proposals to Replace The Affordable Care Act September 18, 2017 Interactive President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress have committed to repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA). How do their replacement proposals compare to the ACA? How do they compare to each other? Includes the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson amendment (introduced 9/13/2017) as well as other proposals from key members of Congress.
Counties at Risk of Having No Insurer on the Marketplace (Exchange) in 2018 August 18, 2017 Interactive This map shows the counties at risk of having no insurer on the marketplace (exchange), created by the Affordable Care Act, in 2018, based on a Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of insurer rate filings and news reports.
Medicaid’s Role in Trauma Care August 14, 2017 Infographic This infographic highlights Medicaid’s role in trauma care.